This morning the boys work up to snow. So we all went out and played in it. We built a snow man (Javier), had a snow ball fight, and did some swinging. It was all good times till Carter fell off the big swing and got a face full of snow. We had to pull out the binky and then it was all better. All and all it was a great family fun morning.

Javier the snow man. He's so hot he's cold.

All my boys together. Allen, Javier, Carter, and Daddy.

Carter just taking in all that white stuff.

Allen getting ready to pounce with a snow ball.

Oh no here they come.

Trying to throw his first snow ball. It just dropped.

Yes we are bad parents our kid still has a binnky. I just think this looks so funny.

Child labor at its best.

Aww the fake smile. We see it often.
The snow ball fight.