Fun Weekend
Grandpa and Grandma Meagher came over this last weekend. It was a whole lot of fun. Sadly it rained half the time but I think we did okay. They always spoil us when they come which is really appreciated. Allen, got some real golf clubs and got to go to the driving range with Grandpa and Dad. He was the happiest kid on earth. I was told he did pretty good too. Also the boys got new bunk beds which they adore. Carter had a hard time letting go of his toddler bed for just one minute. But when he saw what he was going to get to sleep in he decided it was okay and even helped Dad carry the old bed to the garage for storage. The boys have been happy little clams with their new exciting items. On the down side though that weekend our dryer broke. It decided to just stop heating. And the day Kevin's parents left the T.V. also quit. Sadly I have realized how much I rely on these things. Of course it had to happen at the end of the month when we don't get payed till the first weekend in the month. So, we just have to suck it up and live with out them for a week or so. My mother (bless her heart) took all my laundry home and washed it for me so we would still have clean clothes to put on for the week. So, I suppose we are not that bad off then. Well, that was out eventful weekend.
Allen, doing some amazing Tiger Woods swing. He's got all the talent and non of the girl problems.
After Grandma and Grandpa left Carter had Dad make him a little fort. But he was so tired he decided to curl up and sleep on it instead. So cute.
so cute, they are growing up so fast.marquis went golfing for the first time when we were in hawaii and he did pretty well too. looks like we have some athletes on our hands.
Kinda nice to have mom so close huh?
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